Hello All!
Welcome to Violets & Sunshine! I'm so excited to finally introduce the shop to the big wide world.
I'm Kim Hill, the creative designer behind Violets & Sunshine. I live in Washington DC with my husband and dog, and occasionally our college-aged children. I'm a mostly self-taught artist and have spent many years creating mixed media art for myself and others. I grew up surrounded by crafty, creative folks and was taught to sew and crochet by my great grandmother. When I was about 9 years old, my aunt taught me to cross-stitch, and I've been a stitcher ever since. A few years ago I began to create my own patterns for stitching, and then in the summer of 2022 I found 3 antique stitched samplers that were in desperate need of care. I decided to create charts from these samplers and now here we are!
The name of our shop came about as our daughter and I were walking home from school, many moons ago. She was commenting on how happy she was in the spring to see the violets in people's yards and to have the sunny, warm weather back again. So violets and sunshine became the recipe for happy contentment, and Violets & Sunshine was born. For a number of years it was the name I used for my other crafting and artistic pursuits, some of which you can still see when you follow us on instagram. For now, though, we are all about stitching!
The adventure is just beginning. We have several patterns queued up for release throughout the rest of 2023. We hope you enjoy them!
Thanks, again, for stopping in!
Wishing you peace and joy,